July 27, 2024

Jesus said to the crowd, “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.”
Our key word is SEED, which stands for sower, seed, soil, and soul; “E” for educate and evangelize and “D” for development.
MGCQ is another acronym which means “morality,” “generosity,” “charity,” and “qua-lity.” It is meaningful to put it together, “The SEED in MGCQ.
Our gospel reading narrates the seed planted in the ground without the knowledge of the man who planted it. The seed sprouts, grows, and yields fruits.
Sagada, Mountain Province has come up with a religious group “SEMA” which stands for Sagada Ecumenical Ministers Association.
Pastors and priests of different churches meet regularly to discuss and plan on how they can be of help to the government especially on how to disseminate the guidelines and updates from the Municipal Inter-Agency Task Force.
Second is on how to spread the word of God among the people and on how the religious leaders can harmoniously collaborate to counter the psychological and spiritual negativities of the pandemic in the communities.
The SEMA is tasked to deliver spiritual upliftment and to pray over government officials and employees every Monday.
On June 14, town officials and employees were in their usual queue and they came on time. I delivered a short message on SEED in MGCQ. First, I read the gospel from Mark 4:26-34, delivered my short exhortation, and prayed over them.
The sower is God. He sows the seed. God is the author, sustainer, and end of life. He sees everything and knows every movement of the seed.
The seed is the word of God. The seed will grow and yield fruit but its fruit will spell the quality of the soil.
The soil is where the seed is planted and where it grows. Every seed planted will bear fruit that will define its soil. The soil figuratively represents the family and community.
The soul is the unseen and most essential aspect of a human that gains nourishment from the word of God and from the sacraments. The unseen soul is assured of good health from good works and good words that it lives out. The constant encounter of the human with God called spirituality with God through prayer sustains the health of the soul.
“E” stands for educate. We need to be informed, formed, and be transformed to be in touch with reality without being irrelevant and being obsolete. Holistic education is what we need today. Teaching and learning must involve the integrity of the person that is, the heart and the mind of the person.
Blaise Pascal says it well, “The heart has its reason that reason itself cannot understand.” Education must address integrity of the person, to mean the heart, the soul, and the mind.
The second “E” stands for evangelize. Jesus spiritually and morally mandates the apostles to bring the good news to all nations, to baptize them, and to make disciples. Evangelization by witnessing is one of the most efficient and effective mode in this generation.
“D” stands for development. It is good to have physical development like infrastructure. But human development should not remain in that physical development. Sometimes the unseen development are the more essential ones.
We need to construct buildings and roads to add facilities in developing our communities and the people but above that we need the people to be integrally informed, formed, and transformed through human activities that address the integrity of the person.
Peace is the highest form of human development, the presence of God in the community, and the face of God.
Reach me at [email protected] or 0908-727-6735.

Jesus said to the crowd, “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.”
Our key word is SEED, which stands for sower, seed, soil, and soul; “E” for educate and evangelize and “D” for development.
MGCQ is another acronym which means “morality,” “generosity,” “charity,” and “qua-lity.” It is meaningful to put it together, “The SEED in MGCQ.
Our gospel reading narrates the seed planted in the ground without the knowledge of the man who planted it. The seed sprouts, grows, and yields fruits.
Sagada, Mountain Province has come up with a religious group “SEMA” which stands for Sagada Ecumenical Ministers Association.
Pastors and priests of different churches meet regularly to discuss and plan on how they can be of help to the government especially on how to disseminate the guidelines and updates from the Municipal Inter-Agency Task Force.
Second is on how to spread the word of God among the people and on how the religious leaders can harmoniously collaborate to counter the psychological and spiritual negativities of the pandemic in the communities.
The SEMA is tasked to deliver spiritual upliftment and to pray over government officials and employees every Monday.
On June 14, town officials and employees were in their usual queue and they came on time. I delivered a short message on SEED in MGCQ. First, I read the gospel from Mark 4:26-34, delivered my short exhortation, and prayed over them.
The sower is God. He sows the seed. God is the author, sustainer, and end of life. He sees everything and knows every movement of the seed.
The seed is the word of God. The seed will grow and yield fruit but its fruit will spell the quality of the soil.
The soil is where the seed is planted and where it grows. Every seed planted will bear fruit that will define its soil. The soil figuratively represents the family and community.
The soul is the unseen and most essential aspect of a human that gains nourishment from the word of God and from the sacraments. The unseen soul is assured of good health from good works and good words that it lives out. The constant encounter of the human with God called spirituality with God through prayer sustains the health of the soul.
“E” stands for educate. We need to be informed, formed, and be transformed to be in touch with reality without being irrelevant and being obsolete. Holistic education is what we need today. Teaching and learning must involve the integrity of the person that is, the heart and the mind of the person.
Blaise Pascal says it well, “The heart has its reason that reason itself cannot understand.” Education must address integrity of the person, to mean the heart, the soul, and the mind.
The second “E” stands for evangelize. Jesus spiritually and morally mandates the apostles to bring the good news to all nations, to baptize them, and to make disciples. Evangelization by witnessing is one of the most efficient and effective mode in this generation.
“D” stands for development. It is good to have physical development like infrastructure. But human development should not remain in that physical development. Sometimes the unseen development are the more essential ones.
We need to construct buildings and roads to add facilities in developing our communities and the people but above that we need the people to be integrally informed, formed, and transformed through human activities that address the integrity of the person.
Peace is the highest form of human development, the presence of God in the community, and the face of God.
Reach me at [email protected] or 0908-727-6735.