July 27, 2024

Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative Maximo Edwin, Jr. is seeking the separation of culture and historical research from the committee on education where the two sectors are currently included.
Edwin has asked culture and historical research to be included in the committee on indigenous peoples which he chairs.
He also proposed the committee on education, culture, creativity, and historical research be renamed to committee on education and creativity.
Asked why he wants to include culture and historical research in his committee, Edwin said this is his way of addressing the complaints of other groups that he is only championing the cause of the Ibaloys and not all the IPs in Baguio.
“I decided to ask for culture and historical research to be under my committee because some are always complaining that I am only (working) for the Ibaloys. I want to address this. Also, I want to do more on the history of Baguio because there are a lot of stories about the city that are not in the books,” he said.
Councilor Vladimir Cayabas who chairs the committee on education,said he is not amenable to the request to transfer of the sub-committees on culture and historical research.
He said the sub-committee on culture under the current composition is not only confined to the IPs in the city; it also covers the cultural practices of non-IP groups in Baguio.
On the concern about the dearth of records about Baguio’s history, Cayabas said this will be addressed by the ordinance, which he authored, that created the historical research council.
The historical research council is tasked to establish a backbone for proper accounting of Baguio’s history, chronicling significant events in the city to be used as a basis for future actions and decisions.
The historical research council is also tasked to promote understanding and genuine appreciation of the history of Baguio to further strengthen the sense of pride and unity among its locals.
Cayabas said the concerns of Edwin will be addressed because the IPMR is a member of the committee on education.
He added in the proposed ordinance creating the local culture and arts council, the IPMR is one of the stalwarts being commissioned to also be a member of the council.
Councilor Faustino Olowan suggested that Cayabas and Edwin talk about the matter and come up with an agreement while the council awaits the report of the committee on laws on the request to create the sub-committee on indigenous culture.
Councilor Isabelo Cosalan, Jr. meanwhile said it would help to review the resolution that created the committee on IPs, which was passed when the city still did not have an IPMR.
He said among other provisions, the resolution provided that the committee focus on the IPs and those that concern non-IPs will be under the committee on education.
Councilor Benny Bomogao suggested that Edwin also consult the guidelines of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples on the installation of IPMRs to help him define the sectors that could be included in his committee. – Jane B. Cadalig