July 27, 2024

New York Gov. Andrew Mark Cuomo, who is facing impeachment proceedings following complaints of sexual harassment by 11 women (the number does not include possible other victims, who would rather keep mum about their ordeal than have their names and faces splashed all over the papers and on TV), has painfully decided to resign from office, marking the end of a promising political career – this after denying he inappropriately touched any of the complainants.

But sexual harassment need not be physical. Lewd suggestions may be deemed to be one form of sexual harassment, and so is exhibiting one’s private parts in front of a lady and other women.
Circumstances may, however, differ. When a chief of office slaps the behind of his secretary, that is sexual harassment. But when a lady magistrate playfully pinches the buttocks of her clerk, it sends the message, “See you out of court.”

Now if one were to make a headcount of women harassed one way or the other by ranking government officials having ascendancy over their victims, you probably won’t be able to figure out the math because it’s like making a tally of all the women working in government.
Insofar as Filipino big shots are concerned, it goes with the territory.
In third world countries like ours, losing one’s job amounts to starvation.
Motives may also vary. A woman police officer will not snitch on her boss for his wayward or groping paws, if only to fast-track her promotion and not derail it by opening her mouth.
And when a governor or mayor drapes his arms around a married assistant, maybe he is just being fatherly, you know like a priest who goes into his, “Yes, my daughter, how may I be of assistance? Do you want me to hear your confession” act.

But the really smart ones have a way of turning things around.
The technique is to play hard to get. What would her parents think when they find out their daughter, who always attended Sunday mass with them and receiving Holy Communion, had shamelessly thrown herself in the arms of her married superior.
Lust and desire are the male’s waterloo, a hopeless, unrelenting sex predator, and when the girls sensed that he can no longer hold his pants in place, that’s when the supposed victims strike. Ripe for the kill, the guy is.
“Okay, I will go to bed with you, something that I have never done before (so she claims), but I have needs too. Will it just be a one-night stand, or a lasting and meaningful relationship? Where will I live in case I get pregnant?
“Please, I don’t want promises, just make sure it is worth my while.”
And so, the fun begins, until his pocket runs out.

In life, the worst kinds of friends are those who prey on supposed unhappy wives. It is not so much the sex but the thrill of sleeping with another man’s bed partner.
It is treachery of the highest order, and one day, their body or bodies will be found sprawled on the street, shot in the back by a vengeful assailant.
Revenge takes its own sweet time to happen, and could take years, but it will happen, and at a time when the Judas least expects it.

August, the rainiest of months, is halfway gone, and next month will mark the start of the Christmas season in the Philippines.
Folks no longer worry on how to make Yuletide a merry one, and all are wondering if they can last the year.
There is a new variant in town, with more coming.
China is putting on a big show that the lives of millions of Chinese are in jeopardy, but more than four million lives have been lost due to the Covid-19. So, what is the percentage of deaths in China?
We continue to blame the Chinese for what is happening to mankind.
First the straits, soon the world.
The question is, is Xi Jinping in cahoots with Vladimir Putin?

Fifty million bucks, more or less, more actually. Will Hidilyn Diaz share her loot – sorry – reward with the needy, or at least with her coaching and training staff?
True, the government and other philanthropists have likewise promised to give the other Olympians cash rewards, but the amounts are paltry as compared to the rewards of the gold, silver, and bronze medalists.
It’s like giving a lot to the chief of a security escort and “mayroon rin kayo, mga bata” to the others, but the bulk of the dole-out was given to the wrong hands who will definitely not share his windfall.
Have a great weekend, dear readers. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay alive.
Pray more, pray morer.
Pray morest.