July 27, 2024

Allow me first to greet the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)-Baguio which will celebrate its 113th anniversary today, Feb. 11. The Protestant Church is one of the Summer Capital’s historic and iconic institutions and if I’m not mistaken, it is also included in the city’s Cultural Mapping Project Book 1.
Now, on to this week’s topic: It’s been around 28 years since this near-sighted Ibaloy writer quit smoking after almost dying (a virgin!) from the addiction. I was a heavy smoker consuming two packs a day at my peak.
Needless to say, quitting the deadly habit was one of the best decisions I ever made not only for the good of my health (it’s true, health is wealth) but also of loved ones since second-hand smoke is equally deadly according to medical experts.
I thank God for each and every day for being “smoke-free”.
So, from a former nicotine addict: Please stop smoking if you love your health and that of your family and friends. So there.
Anyway, a smoke-free research dissemination forum was held last Jan. 30 and conducted by the Cordillera Regional Health Research and Development Consortium in partnership with Health Justice.
In his written message read by a City Mayor’s Office staff member, Mayor Benjamin Magalong has expressed his elation on the recognition accorded the city for having the highest level of compliance out of all areas covered.
“We are thankful for the big improvement from back when I was still in high school, but I would like to say that there is still a lot of room for improvement,” the mayor said.
We fully agree that while there is indeed a huge improvement due to the city’s ongoing and relentless smoke-free campaign, more still has to be done to rid our beloved Baguio of the menace of smoking once and for all. This can only be achieved if we all join the fight together. Amen.
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.