July 27, 2024

Students of taking up Bachelor of Science in Development Communication (BSDC) Ifugao State University (IFSU) held a films premiere showcasing their creations that tackled critical social issues on March 11.

Twenty-three pioneer first-year BSDC students produced four films under the guidance of visiting Professor Scott Schimmel from the University of Hawaii-Manoa’s School of Cinematics. The premiere capped Schimmel’s month-long film instruction under BSDC core subject, “Introduction to Multimedia Writing”.

Schimmel commended the students for their impressive work, especially considering the short timeframe for production.

Grouped into four teams, the students produced films that explored a range of social issues. “Waves of Tomorrow,” directed by Vince Tayaban, examined the negative impacts of a hydroelectric power plant on an indigenous farming community in Ifugao.

“My Waste, My Responsibility,” directed by Janna Amejna, investigated the challenges of waste disposal and segregation on campus, proposing solutions for improvement.

“The Healing Nature,” directed by Albert Russel Dulnuan, depicted the power of nature as a refuge.

“Rivers of Change,” directed by Charlotte Gray Balao, highlighted the issue of littering in a nearby river, advocating for responsible waste management practices.

Schimmel also presented his own films, “Waste Not Want Not” and “My Garden No Longer.”

Jeremy M. Gawongna, chairperson of the Development Communication Program, expressed hope that the film screening would pave the way for a fruitful partnership with the University of Hawaii “to foster the unfolding of human potential,” a core objective of the development communication practice.

Dr. Donato O. Abaya, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences where the BSDC program is offered, hailed the students for pouring their hearts into producing thought-provoking films.

Awards were presented in the following categories: Best Picture for “Waves of Tomorrow,” Best Cinematography for “The Healing Nature,” Best Narrative for “My Waste My Responsibility,” and Box Office Award for “Rivers of Change.”

University President Dr. Eva Marie Codamon-Dugyon said the students’ film projects are not only informative but also eye-opening. She encouraged them to be the change that they want to see, cultivate a growth mindset, and take bold steps to make a difference. – Faith B. Napudo