July 27, 2024

The Office of Baguio Rep. Go is closely coordinating with the Department of Public Works and Highways in relation to the implementation of the law that shall make Kennon Road fully rehabilitated and maintained.

Go, principal author of Republic Act 11604 or the Full Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Kennon Road Act, said he had met for an update with DPWH Secretary Manuel Bonoan, whose department would be in charge of the law’s implementation as well as the conduct of its feasibility study.

The plan includes the construction of four tunnels, eight bridges, and slope protection mechanisms.

Go said an initial of P10 billion is needed to make Kennon Road, the shortest route connecting Baguio City to the lowlands, an all-weather road.

While Section 3 of RA 11604 provides that “the amount necessary to cover the rehabilitation and maintenance of Kennon Road shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act,” Go said the plan is to have the project funded through official development assistance and public-private partnership since the national government cannot support the huge budgetary requirement of the project.

Through PPP, the management and maintenance of the 33.534-kilometer Kennon Road will be handled by a private entity in partnership with the national government.

Earlier, Go announced the full rehabilitation of the iconic road is set to begin in 2024 and is targeted to be completed in the same year.

Kennon Road is closed to motorists, except for residents, during inclement weather.

Last Dec. 24, Kennon Road was opened to two-way traffic for light vehicles (10 tons and below) for the holidays in response to the huge number travelers visiting Baguio City and its nearby areas as per advisory of the Metropolitan Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay Authority on Dec. 22.

The road however will immediately be closed in case of inclement or imminent weather disturbance or earthquake upon the recommendation of the DPWH-Cordillera. – Hanna C. Lacsamana