July 27, 2024

Following the directive of the newly-appointed Social Security System President and Chief Executive Officer Michael G. Regino, SSS Baguio branch issued orders to 14 employers who violated the mandatory provisions of the Social Security Act of 2018 during the Run After Contribution Evaders (RACE) Campaign.
Five of these employers failed to register their businesses to SSS while the remaining nine did not produce documents as proof of SSS membership and contribution payments of their employees.
“Registration of business to SSS and production of employment documents are among the legal obligations commonly neglected by employers. These derelictions of their duties deprive their workers from receiving their SSS benefits and loan privileges. It’s about time to break that bad habit and compel them to act as responsible employers,” Regino said.
The Social Security Act of 2018 mandates employers to register their businesses to SSS and remit their employees’ contributions regularly. They are also required to produce and update employment records such as payrolls and contribution and loan collection lists.
Employers who received the written order were given 15 days to report to SSS Baguio and settle their obligations. Otherwise, SSS will be compelled to take legal actions against them.
SSS is currently offering Pandemic Relief Restructuring Programs (PRRP) to all delinquent employers.
PRRP 2 offers condonation of penalties for past-due social security contributions as of March 2020 through one-time payment or instalment term up to 24 months. PRRP 3 is an enhanced instalment payment program which offers flexible payment terms ranging from nine to 60 months depending on the total amount of obligation
The RACE campaign started in 2017 to instil awareness on employers’ obligation and employees’ right to social security benefits; and intensify employer compliance through increased coverage and collection.
SSS Luzon Operations Group, SSS Baguio’s accounts management team and Luzon North Division’s legal cluster led this year’s second operation. – Press release