July 27, 2024

The Social Security System-Baguio will resume its campaign against employers who do not fulfill their obligations under Republic Act 11199 or the Social Security Act.
SSS-Baguio Branch Head Nancy Omoso said they will resume the Run After Contribution Evaders (RACE) campaign to ensure that establishments or employers provide the benefits of their employees by paying and remitting their monthly contributions.
Omoso said the campaign took a halt last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, although she said two establishments were convicted for violating the Social Security Act through cases filed by the Baguio branch.
She said the lockdowns and restrictions to abate the spread of the Covid-19 have prevented SSS to aggressively implement the RACE.
SSS-Baguio has so far recorded 4,105 intermittently paying employers or delinquent employers covering 11,000 employees in the city and neighboring Benguet towns.
Omoso said a large number of the 11,000 workers affected by intermittently paying employers have availed of the unemployment benefits offered by SSS for those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic.
The branch shelled out P25 million for the unemployment claims of 1,096 workers last year.
SSS Information Officer Christian Rillorta said teams will start doing their rounds on establishments to ensure their compliance with the law this month. – Jane B. Cadalig