July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The provincial government and stakeholders are focused on supporting the local coffee industry with various interventions aimed at improving production and processing.
With the support of the revitalized Provincial Coffee Council (PCC) chaired by Gov. James Edduba, assistance is now reaching coffee growers and processors in the hinterlands of Kalinga with the Office of the Provincial Agricultural Services (OPAS) providing machineries and farm inputs including technical assistance to coffee farmers.
Coffee product processors from the province joined the regionwide coffee investment forum on Nov. 21 at the Grand Zion Garden Resort Hotel via hybrid modality.
Office of the Governor staff member Sison Paut presented the province’s best practices, which include the revitalization of the PCC; provision of  assistance to coffee farmers; construction of farm-to-market roads; technical support to improve product quality, marketing, and participation to national; and regional product exhibits and competitions.
Other enablers in the coffee industry like the Department of Agriculture presented the status of Cordillera Coffee Industry Development Roadmap; the Department of Trade and Industry on Development Roadmap on Coffee Processing; Department of Science and Technology on the role of research and development in the coffee value chain; Department of Information and Communications Technology on leveraging technology to improve production/market share for coffee micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs); and the  Department of Tourism on  coffee agro-tourism.
Also presented are business models on coffee production, coffee processing, and marketing by successful MSMEs and cooperatives engaged in the coffee industry.
The forum, branded “Mangapi Taku: Investing on the Right Blend”, was organized by DTI-Cordillera, which aims to facilitate the attainment of the strategic goals of the coffee industry cluster.
It serves as an avenue to identify and outline opportunities as well as solutions to address the gaps and challenges in the industry value chain.
Further, this is the platform to strengthen awareness on the potentials of the coffee industry to a more elevated exposure and promote sustainable economic development. 
In support to the local coffee industry, OPAS headed by Engr. Domingo Bakilan and the Kalinga PCC awarded on Nov. 15 farm machineries and other equipment including farm inputs to 16 coffee farmers from the different municipalities.
The provincial government assured continuing funding for the project aimed to improve coffee production in the province and the conduct of regular monitoring and meetings to gauge the effectiveness of these interventions. – Peter Balocnit