July 27, 2024

City officials requested concerned offices of the city government to conduct a feasibility study and integrate e-micro mobility, such as e-scooters and e-bicycles as alternative modes of transportation through the Public-Private partnership (PPP).

In Resolution 740, s. 2023, the city council stated the use of alternative modes of transportation contributes to a healthier environment anchored on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on good health and wellbeing; affordable and clean energy, industry, innovation, and infrastructure; and sustainable cities and communities promoting innovation and technological advances for public use.

During the Scout Officials for-a-day (Sofad) session, the council adopted the proposal of Sofad councilor Sophia Alessia Mari L. Valencia that requested the city government to conduct a study and integrate e-micro mobility, e-scooters, and e-bicycles as an alternative mode of transportation through PPP.

The council said the growing population of the city affects the quality and accessibility of transportation resulting in dependence on personal vehicles to conveniently move around.

The increasing number of petroleum-dependent vehicles also contributes to a high rate of carbon emission resulting in air pollution which does not conform with Republic Act 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act.

The council said introducing and pilot testing e-mobility would provide an alternative mode of transportation and may encourage the public to switch to other available modes of transport such as the use of e-vehicles.

The body added e-mobility encourages the development of smart applications that provide information on options, including availability, routes, and payment options.

Copies of the resolution will be transmitted to the concerned offices of the local government for their information, guidance, reference, and action. – PIO release