July 27, 2024

The surgical outreach activity conducted by the World Surgical Foundation Philippines conducted Oct. 15 and 16 at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center benefited 100 patients in the city.
Of the total, 60 were major cases and 40 were minor, specifically four pediatric; 16 eyes, nose, and throat; 40 general; and 40 minor operations. 
Majority of the beneficiaries in the city were 31 to 50 years old or the young adults to middle age groups.
The activity was in partnership with the Sunlife Foundation, Rotary Club of Makati Central, the city government of Baguio, and the BGHMC Surgery Department.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong and BGHMC Medical Director Ricardo Runez thanked the foundation through Dr. Lester Suntay for choosing Baguio in the mission.
Before the acti- vity, the parties signed a memorandum of agreement for the conduct of the activity, which aimed to serve indigent patients with conditions relating to thyroid, breast, parotid, stomach, hernia, tumors, intestines and gallbladder. – Aileen P. Refuerzo