July 27, 2024

Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo, Justice Sec. Menardo Guevarra, Interior and Local Government Sec. Eduardo Año, and Mayor Benjamin Magalong led the launching of the Baguio City Justice Zone (BCJZ) on June 24 at the Baguio Convention Center.
The BCJZ is the ninth to be launched in the country and first in the Cordillera after those in the cities of Quezon, Cebu, Davao, Angeles, Bacolod, Naga, Calamba and Balanga. It is also the second to be unveiled during the term of Gesmundo, who is a principal of the Justice Sector Coordinating Council (JSCC) together with Guevarra and Año.
Gesmundo said the justice zone project is one of the projects of the JSCC that adheres to its objective of a swift and fair administration of the criminal justice system and is established to strengthen the coordination and communication between the Supreme Court, DOJ, and DILG.
Magalong said the city government is committed to upgrade and make the delivery of justice more efficient since it believes in the adage “justice delayed is justice denied.”
Guevarra and Año also delivered messages extolling the benefits of the project in the swift and fair delivery of justice while Baguio City Regional Trial Court Executive Judge Maria Ligaya Rivera talked on the significance of the BCJZ.
SC Associate Justice Jose Midas Marquez, Court Administrator Raul Villanueva, Court of Appeals Justices Jaime Fortunato Caringal and Jose Lorenzo Dela Rosa; Justice Zone Convenor Judge Mia Cawed, and other local and court officials also joined the launching.

FYI: On June 23, the mayor rallied the troops composed of local government employees and police personnel during the Summer Capital’s launching of “Denguerra Day Thursday (War Against Dengue)” at the City Hall grounds.
He said the activity shows the city’s serious resolve to combat this latest health threat and encourages all residents to join in a united and concerted effort against the deadly disease caused by infected mosquitoes.
The anti-dengue campaign will be conducted every Thursday until July subject to extension if necessary and is spearheaded by the City Health Services Office with Sanitary Division head Engr. Charles Bryan Carame as dengue program coordinator. The first batch of participants were deployed to several heavily-infected barangays to do Oplan Taob/Search and Destroy mosquito breeding sites together with the anti-dengue brigade of each barangay.

Here’s ‘The Black Art’ by Anne Sexton: “A woman who writes feels too much,/ those trances and portents!/ As if cycles and children and islands/ weren’t enough; as if mourners and gossips/ and vegetables were never enough./ She thinks she can warn the stars./ A writer is essentially a spy./ Dear love, I am that girl.”

Let’s end with a prayer: “Dear God, are you there? Do you really know me? I suppose you’re responsible for my existence, so you do already know me. Your creation is amazing and it’s one reason why I think you exist. The intricate and perfect details found in nature couldn’t have happened by accident. I want to get to know you better and I pray you will lead me to you. Amen.”
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.