July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Major Marvin Indammog of the Philippine Army was buried July 9, at the Good Shepherd Cemetery, Mapaoay, Ipil here amidst demand for justice for his death and three of his men.
Indammog, the commanding officer of the Army’s 9th Intelligence Service Unit, was slain with three other soldiers on June 29 in Sulu reportedly by policemen.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines accorded Indammog funeral honors with the traditional 21-gun salute.
His remains were first brought to the St. William’s Cathedral for the funeral mass where his classmates in the Philippine Military Academy Mandala Class of 2006 and siblings gave eulogies.
Hundreds of individuals, including sub-Kalinga tribes, attended the ceremony. Indammog’s relatives and members of the Mangali tribe wore printed white T-shirts demanding justice for his death and his companions.
Before he was finally laid to his grave, his four-year old daughter Marian Thalia greeted her dad, “Hi, daddy,” for the last time while his wife, Jennifer, grieved in silence.
Indammog’s father Cerilo received the Philippine flag from an Army officer.
His parents recall Marvin as responsible. The eldest of an all-male brood of six, his mother Violeta described him as strict in imposing discipline to his younger brothers.
He is also remembered by his fellow officers in the Army as effective and efficient in his work, and by his men as brave, courageous, and their defender. – Peter A. Balocnit