July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Concerned with the increasing Covid-19 cases in the city and the province, Mayor Darwin Estrañero on Jan. 20 issued a memorandum that further tightens quarantine rules.
Estrañero issued Memorandum Order 06-2021 re-imposing stricter community quarantine measures after the Department of Health reported that Kalinga has the third highest Covid-19 cases in the country with 102 infections, including 89 cases in this capital city recorded from Jan. 15 to 19.
The stricter quarantine is aimed at suppressing community transmission of the SARS-CoV2 virus.
The order re-imposes strict home quarantine, allowing residents to leave their residences only for basic necessities, such as food and essential health services.
Senior citizens, pregnant women, minors, those who are immuno-compromised, persons with pulmonary ailments are not allowed to go out of their homes at any time.
“Residents of Tabuk may only be allowed to use their private cars when buying basic needs,” the order stated. Operation of public transportation is also regulated.
The mayor also ordered that cargo and supply deliveries to and from the city undergo strict sanitation.
Estrañero said his earlier order prohibiting mass gatherings from Jan. 19 to 22 will be extended indefinitely. He also banned face-to-face meetings and trainings to stop the rapid surge of cases.
The mayor also ordered a curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. with the exemption of health workers, emergency cases, authorized government officials, employees, policemen, military, firemen, and those authorized by the Covid-19 Inter-Agency Task Force. However, they are required to always wear company identification cards when going to their workplace.
Operation of businesses has also been limited to essentials. Government offices must assign a skeleton force to avoid crowding and congestion in offices. Establishments allowed to operate are required to observe health protocols.
The order also ordered a prohibition to sell and consume liquor.
Farming activities will continue but workers are mandated to strictly observe health and safety protocols.
As of Jan. 20, Tabuk has a total of 482 Covid-19 cases with 130 active cases. – Jesse Maguiya