July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – One barangay and a school in the province are the latest beneficiaries of the Tech4Ed Program of the Department of Information and Communication Technology in support to the efforts in bridging technology and digital divide in remote villages.

 DICT Provincial Officer Rufino Cabato led the delivery of three computer sets in Barangay Gacab, Malibcong and three laptops for the Nagcanasan Elementary School in Pilar, Abra.

The Technology for Education, Employment, Entrepreneurs, and Economic Development is  a national digital inclusion initiative establishing eCenters that provide critical e-government and ICT-enabled services in communities with minimal or no access to information and government services.

“The program provides access points for local communities especially for students to bridge connection between the digital technology and education. It promotes grassroots-development opportunities for inclusive growth and poverty reduction,” Cabato said.

He said one of the challenges of the project is the operation of the computer as it requires an Internet connection to access information and data which is not present mostly in upland villages.

 “For the remote areas with limited network connectivity, we programmed the computer with data and information so that our users can still access and research offline,” he said.  

Under the project, Cabato said the only counterpart of the local government unit is to provide a space or room for the housing of the computers and designate a Tech4Ed center manager that will oversee the operation of the devices.

Cabato said the project is also in support to Executive Order 70, institutionalizing the “whole-of-nation” approach in ending local communist armed-conflicts.   

 Barangays  Gacab and  Nagcanasan are  listed as priority areas under the Retooled Community Support Program  as  part of the whole of nation approach towards sustainable peace.  – Christian Allister Tubadeza