July 27, 2024

Why risk losing a tooth when there are remedies available to keep that beautiful smile?

Following the basics of dental care like regular toothbrushing, drinking plenty of water to clean the mouth, minimizing consumption of sugary and acidic food and beverage, flossing, and regular dental checkups are the ways to keep those teeth.

But in cases where there are dental caries or injury, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center Dentist II Rheymo Coronado said there are many options on how to save those pearly whites such as surgery or oral medication.

Some have long been practiced in the dentistry profession and have improved because of technology while some are relatively new but are all geared towards strengthening and preserving an individual’s teeth.

“Dati bunot lang. Ngayon marami ng remedy,” Coronado said in a press conference on Feb. 6, observing health events this February, including National Oral Health Month.

In fact, Coronado said many dental issues such as dental caries, periapical abscess, gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, pains due to tooth eruption and post-surgery, avulsion, and fractures can be easily treated and prevented as long as an individual seeks immediate consult with a dentist before these get worse and might even affect other parts of the body, such as the heart.

The 2022 data from the National Monitoring and Evaluation for Dental Survey showed that 87.4 percent of Filipinos suffer from tooth decay or cavities.

Gum diseases are also said to occur in childhood. Every observance of Oral Health Month, dentists and concerned stakeholders reiterate the importance of good oral hygiene for gum diseases, if not treated early, affects the quality of life of both children and adult.

Some treatments and procedures are amalgam fillings, root canal, surgery, and medications if needed, Coronado said.

Coronado also suggests for an individual to consider fluoride treatments to help strengthen the teeth as fluoridation reduces the risk of cavities. For children, he recommends supervised toothbrushing so they can be guided on the proper way of brushing the use of the right amount of toothpaste.

Observance of the National Oral Health Month aims to promote awareness about the importance of oral hygiene through preventive dental care as research has shown that poor oral hygiene has links to health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. – Rimaliza A. Opiña