July 27, 2024

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Cordillera immediately responded to the call for assistance to the families affected by the Taal Volcano eruption.
The agency sent 7,910 pieces of cookies and 1,600 face masks on Jan. 17 through the Tesda central office.
 “Tesda Sec. Isidro Lapeña has appealed to Tesda field offices to extend assistance to the victims of the Taal Volcano eruption and provide essentials such as face masks, water, canned food, and other food products,” Tesda-CAR Director Manuel Wong said.
Some of the operating units in the region through its trainees provided face masks and food products.
The cookies were produced by the Data Center College of the Philippines trainees in Abra (2,000 pieces), 2,590 in Kalinga (2,590), Mountain Province (2,070), and Baguio City School of Arts and Trades (2,590).
The face masks came from the Mt. Carmel Agri-tourism and Training Center, Inc. (1,150 pieces) and Benguet Technical School (200 pieces).
“We will continue to reach more with the help of our employees and trainees. We will make sure the Taal victims will get aid,” Wong said. – TESDA-CAR release