July 27, 2024

We had been working on themes of gene-rosity, unceasing prayers, and sincere fasting and abstinence for the past weeks of Lent.
I have also been discussing the three Ts of Lent – temptation, test, and trial. These are elements of life that nobody cannot escape and everyone must face. Even Jesus was not exempted. But He confronted and overcame them.
The fourth “T” is “transfiguration.” Luke 9:28b-36 narrates Jesus’ transfiguration.
About eight days after Jesus said this, He took Peter, John, and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As He was praying, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son whom I have chosen; listen to Him.
The transfiguration of Jesus was an event that prefigured His resurrection. His death was overcome by His resurrection.
The divine conversion of Jesus should inspire Philippine politics.
Politics must undergo transfiguration which I call “prudence in politics.”
Good candidates do not destroy their rivals. Character assassination is morally wrong.
Good candidates speak to the electorate about their platforms to gain votes.
Good candidates do not speak promises that they cannot fulfill.
Good candidates will surely mean good leadership through good governance.
Priests, pastors, and bishops exercise their right to suffrage but they must be prudent enough by not using the pulpit to endorse and campaign for a particular candidate. The lectern is intended for the Word of God and not to campaign for a political candidate.
There is no perfect candidate. Instead, they are reminders of peace and a living conscience of the people.
Unnecessary division is never the work of God. Let priests, pastors, and bishops be constant in their moral and spiritual responsibility to strengthen people’s conscience and to lead the flock to a wise and honest, clean, and peaceful campaign and election.
Priests, pastors, and bishops are instruments of peace, not instruments of division, chaos, hatred, and anger.
A good electorate does not fabricate and do not spread misinformation. They use social media to campaign healthily, to inform correctly, and to channel truth.
Good political supporters confine their support to their candidates instead of destroying a rival politician.
Let us find time to pray, to discern, to judge the situation, to decide, and to act according to our conscience stirred by the Holy Spirit.
This is prudence in politics or “polethics.”
Last March 12, the provincial Comelec under Atty. Mae Belmes and the Parish Pastroal Council for Responsible Voting and other stakeholders conducted the covenant peace signing. Political aspirants in the province actively participated. Hence, it was a successful activity.
The song “Our Vote”, which was adopted as the PPCRV-Comelec Mountain Province theme song for 2022, was also launched during the activity. Belmes is encouraging to sing this during the campaign, during voters’ education, and even during the day of the elections.
The song was inspired by the Holy Spirit through the PPCRV and Comelec and all those participating in the peaceful and wise election.
The lyrics and music video may be watched on YouTube or Facebook.

“Our Vote”

D A Bm
Your vote, my vote, and our vote
will make a difference.
D A Bm
Your vote, my vote, and our vote
will make a difference.

But only when we vote responsibly,
Bm G
Honestly, and wisely.
Let’s vote with our conscience
And respect each other’s choice. (Chorus)

Let’s build our country with honesty and
integrity for prosperity.
We don’t sell our vote for a day’s wage.
We don’t buy their vote to win the race.

Transposition: B
E B C#m
Your vote, my vote, and our vote
will make a difference.
E B C#m
Your vote, my vote, and our vote
will make a difference.