July 27, 2024

LAMUT, Ifugao – The mayor of this town has issued guidelines regulating the butchering of swine to be sold in the market to ensure public health amidst the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

Mayor Mariano Buyagawan, Jr.  said that with the imposition of the ECQ in which people are asked to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19), the municipal government mandated the barangays to set up their talipapa where residents can buy food and other commodities.

However, it was noticed that this has led to the indiscriminate butchering of swine in the barangays.

Based on the guidelines, a barangay permit/certificate must be secured before butchering the pig at home and the barangay sanitary inspector (BSI) must be present when animals are slaughtered.

The Municipal Meat Inspector shall also attest the good condition of the meat for consumption.

Nobody is allowed to sell meat without the permit/ certification and attested by the BSI.

Buyagawan added that the municipal government will buy from local farmers so that they need not go to nearby provinces to spare them from  exposure to the Covid-19 carriers.

“Bring your agricultural products at the Lamut Trading Post. Get your certifications from your barangay captain certifying the ownership of the product to be sold at the trading post,” Buyagawan said.

He earlier directed the operation of the Lamut trading post where farmers may sell their products and as a drop off point for traders who would purchase in bulk and bring the agricultural commodities to markets outside the province. – Marcelo B. Lihgawon