July 27, 2024

The Agricultural Training Institute-Cordillera continues to advocate for and accredit farms as learning sites for agriculture (LSA).

LSA serves as a model farm to showcase applicable agriculture technologies or agri-processing technologies, thereby helps improve the capabilities of small farmers and other rural community members.

ATI-Cordillera information officer Adrian Chris Velasco said through the LSAs, farmers or stakeholders will see and appreciate  the application of what they are learning in lectures.

The LSA helps build trust and credibility in new technology and promotes the adoption of new practices in a farming community, he added.

Farmers who are interested in applying for certification for LSA must submit a letter of intent to the ATI.

Velasco said farmers must inform their municipal agriculturist about their intent to apply for LSA certification because the LGU is their primary partner for the program.

Once the applicant has submitted the needed documents, a series of assessments will be conducted. 
“No. 1 criteria ket adda dapat farm na, adda existing technologies na, anya dagiti mabalin nga ibingay na kadagiti farmers, willing ba isuna nga ag-accept kadagiti bisita, kadagiti trainees, kayat na ba nga mausar ti farm na as techno demo area?”

The applicant will also be required to submit a physical development plan. 

The ATI-Cordillera will endorse the application to the ATI central office for review and approval.

 Once an LSA certification is issued, a memorandum of agreement will be signed. The contract for the LSA program is for five years, and is renewable, subject to the willingness of the farmer to continue serving as an LSA.

Velasco said the ATI also provides one-time support to the LSAs to enhance their existing facilities.

 In the Cordillera, the ATI has already certified 94 LSAs, with Benguet having the most LSA with 26, followed by Ifugao with 25, and Kalinga with 16. – Debbie E. Gasingan