July 27, 2024

A council made up of sports directors from the different tertiary schools in the Cordillera was formed to assist the Commission on Higher Education in the development of sports programs.

Called the “League of Tertiary School Sports Directors Coordinating Council,” the body will serve as a consultative body where members can raise matters of interest and concerns to CHED under the Sports Development and Management Unit from the office of the executive director of the agency.

“The goal of this coordinating council is to uphold the virtues of participation, diversity, and opportunity through the provision of sports for all,” the CHED stated.

In the Aug. 3 meeting of the newly formed group at CHED-Cordillera office, University of the Cordilleras’ Sports Development Office Director Danilo Cong-o was unanimously voted as president of the council.

Cong-o, who has been a steady figure in organizing local sporting games particularly the temporarily halted Baguio-Benguet Educational Athletic League, will lead the council for school year 2022 to 2023. 

The annual BBEAL has been in hiatus since 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Other elected members of the body are Frael Aquino of Benguet State University as vice president for external affairs; newly assigned University of Baguio Athletic Director Henry Batocong as vice president for internal affairs; AMA Baguio’s Jessie Urmaza as secretary general; Ifugao State University’s Karen Cumti as deputy secretary; Wifredo Antonio of Baguio College of Technology as treasurer; and Venus Bawiyan of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College as auditor.  

There shall also be one coordinator per province. The elected officials shall hold office for not more than 12 months and may serve in the same position for a maximum of two consecutive terms. – Ofelia C. Empian