July 27, 2024

The University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB) premiered the streaming of its 2020 graduation program before noon of July 24.
For the first time, the graduation program was conducted entirely through a prerecorded video that was shown online on Youtube and Facebook Live via the UPB website and official page.
Despite the shift in the mode of the exercise of the graduation ceremonies due to the global situation brought about by the pandemic, the program has been observed to be a fitting tribute to the graduates and their parents and loved ones, especially rendered through musical performances by Tinig Amianan and Tinig Amianan Alumni-Dekada ’90.
The hour-long virtual graduation included the traditional ceremonies of the presentation of the candidates for graduation by their respective college deans and subsequently by the UPB chancellor, followed by the much awaited conferment of degrees to the graduates by the president of the University of the Philippines System.
Also part of the ceremonies is a highlight of UP Baguio graduation tradition, the “Ritwal ng Pagtatanglaw,” which dramatizes the passing of knowledge that is symbolized by light. The ritual emphasizes that the formation of knowledge that started from the past continues; this constitutes the message that learning is an unending flow of the act of teaching as much as it is a never-ending process of the discovery of knowledge.
Another ceremony is the oath of loyalty to the university and the induction of the new graduates into the UP Alumni Association (UPAA) by UP Alumni Regent and UPAA President Reynaldo C. Laserna.
Paul Jeremiah D. Naraval, B.S. in Computer Science, cum laude, in his speech shared insights from his academic discipline. Addressing his fellow members of the class, he emphasized on what he calls “We,” will and excellence, which is “what will help us to further press on.”
Naraval, who was also cited as the Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto L.M. Abellera Awardee for Academic Excellence in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, topped the UPB batch of 2020 with a general weighted average (GWA) of 1.5893.
He is followed by Joseph Victor T. Fronda who earned a GWA of 1.6057, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, cum laude. Fronda was also cited as Albert Tenefrancia Academic Achievement Awardee in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
In his response speech following the ritual of light, B.A. Communication cum laude graduate Miguel Ulrick R. Rillorta highlighted that “breaking the mold doesn’t necessarily mean failure or inadequacy” and that it “serves as a symbol of growth and change.”
Rillorta, whose GWA is 1.6444, was named as Albert Tenefrancia Academic Achievement Awardee in Arts and Communication.
Meanwhile, B.A. Social Sciences graduate Aliza Joy C. Estioko, topping all the graduates of her college, is the recipient of the Albert Tenefrancia Academic Achievement Award in the Social Sciences.
The message of UP President Danilo L. Concepcion situated the batch of 2020 in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the expectation from the graduates, being scholars of the nation, to be in the lead of efforts towards the recovery of the country.
This resonated with the message of UPB Chancellor Raymundo D. Rovillos which pointed out that the occasion was part of history and hence should serve as a fountainhead of inspiration and wisdom for the newly graduated scholars in excellent decision making for their future and that of the nation.
The public may watch the UPB virtual graduation program, “Pagtatapos 2020,” via https://youtu.be/lqfD4NSrGJY. – Press release