July 27, 2024

La Trinidad, Benguet has started its vaccination rollout on March 18 targeting frontline workers assigned at the Regional Health Unit and members of the Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams.
Municipal Health Services Officer Antonette Agpas said 170 of the 427 frontline workers have confirmed for the rollout.
Agpas said with the initial rollout, they are confident that other frontline workers would be encouraged to be vaccinated, adding that another round of vaccination is set on March 23 for the same group.
She said by that time, there would be more supplies for vaccines to pave the way for the next phases of vaccination.
The Department of Health, through the Provincial Health Office, provided 200 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines for the municipality.
Bahong Punong Barangay Belmer Elis, who is the first barangay office to be vaccinated in the town said it has been a challenging task to lead the community in its fight against Covid-19.
“As the BHERTs chairman, we monitor the concerns on Covid-19. We’ve been waiting for the vaccine for a long time, so as a health frontliner and barangay official, we should be the first to get vaccinated for our own protection from the virus,” Elis said.
Mayor Romeo Salda said vaccination sites in La Trinidad are the Benguet State University, Benguet Sports Complex gymnasium, and Benguet National High School.
Puguis Elementary School has been designated as observation center.
Salda said they have also launched the online profiling for residents who wants to get vaccinated found at the “Mayor’s Office-La Trinidad” Facebook account.
Residents can also register at their barangays for them to be added to the master list when the government-procured vaccines arrive.   
Salda said they are targeting to vaccinate at least 84,027 residents, or 60 percent of the town’s population to achieve herd immunity.
The municipality along with Mankayan are the first two LGUs that rolled out their vaccination for frontline workers in Benguet. – Ofelia C. Empian