July 27, 2024

A message for Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong

At a time when stricter policies are being enforced with the presence of the more contagious U.K. variant, Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong chose to “absolve” eventologist Tim Yap while his very constituents suffer repressive policies he enforced.
These repressive policies have subjected citizens to procure meaningless papers, be fined for trivial violations, all the while the rich can hold party like there is no pandemic.
The mayor should stop parroting his “palusot” that Yap’s party is part of “promoting tourism” and “supporting Baguio artists” when it clearly showed a breach of protocols that only the elite can get away from.
His tourism-centric excuses and double standards have only shown that the mayor is supposedly keen on entertaining the interests of the rich and famous while his fatigued, suffering and poor constituents remain in the margins.
In this time of pandemic, let us struggle for a Baguio for the people, not for the few. — TONGTONGAN TI UMILI-CORDILLERA PEOPLE’S ALLIANCE