July 27, 2024

Revitalizing the Benguet State University

Newly installed Benguet State University President, Dr. Felipe Comila should start his stint by appointing deserving, qualified, and competent persons in frontline offices to have effective, efficient, and quick delivery of services to clientele.
BSU has seven colleges and the president would like to expand by adding Medicine, Law, Accountancy, and Crisis Management in the curriculum.
Having too many unrelated fields would spread thinly limited government budgetary support to end up in substandard performance. Besides, there are several schools in the locality already offering said programs.
Why not enhance agriculture with the university having vast farm and forest lands, complemented by a temperate climate which are its unique comparative advantage and the very purpose the institution was established – to place BSU in the world map of agriculture prominence after over a century of existence. To achieve this, the university must wisely conserve and manage its land assets.
As a higher education institution, why not have a biotechnology institute to study molecular biology and its application to nature – to be able to sustain plant, animal, and human life amid changing environmental conditions.
There are several international linkages that BSU has, but remains dormant. They should be revived and strengthened to support the academic, research, extension, and production programs of the university.
Let BSU be transformed into an acclaimed university that we will be proud of. — PERCIVAL B. ALIPIT, Baguio City