July 27, 2024

Post Office access road as exclusive parking for some LTO employees

I would just like to air my disappointment to some employees of the regional Department of Transportation.
Being a regular client of the said office, the Post Office, and other government offices within the Philippine Postal Corporation-owned property, I often encounter a problem on parking when transacting in any of the offices located thereat.
Everytime I transact in the area, I was often refused to park momentarily at the access road within the Post Office compound.
Guards on duty have informed me the parking spaces are reserved for Land Transportation Office traffic enforcers and some employees.
I also noticed that even the space provided for clients transacting at the Department of Information and Communications Technology and Post Office clients and employees were occupied by the cars owned by DOTr-CAR employees.
Worse, said cars were there 24/7 making it their personal parking and depriving other employees and clients to use the parking spaces.
A friend of mine once complained her license plate was confiscated when she parked in the area and based on the citation ticket her violation was “obstruction” and per verification with the Traffic Management Branch, the confiscation was due to the complaint of the guard.
But she showed me several pictures on several occasions that private cars of LTO traffic enforcers parked on the area are not being apprehended, which made us believe the spaces have become their exclusive parking areas.
It is our wish the good DOTr-CAR director will not tolerate the abuses of some employees by using the access road their exclusive parking spaces. — NAME WITHHELD