July 27, 2024

Defending sovereignty amidst COVID-19 crisis

Is this what it seems to be? China is obviously fulfilling its goals according to its plan. It is obviously making diversionary tactics to make its competitors and rival countries shift its attention to something else and that is to find measures on how to eradicate the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19).
While the world is busy fighting against an unseen enemy, China is now trying to compose itself to become the most powerful country in the world. While the other countries are busy addressing the crisis against Covid-19, China is slowly regaining its composure and strengthening its economy.
Is this China’s plan all along? Is this what China is trying to put up after a long time? To increase its capabilities especially in the West Philippine Sea through its reclamation activities over the disputed waters?
It is a good thing that the Philippines still managed to file two diplomatic protests against China for violating an international law and Philippine sovereignty amidst the Covid-19 crisis. It is true that we are currently facing a pandemic, but we should not also forget to address other national issues so as not to compromise other vital aspects of our country.
I hope that the Armed Forces of the Philippines will still continue to conduct maritime and air patrols more often to assess the situation of our territorial waters to include the northern part of Batanes and Calayan group of islands, as well as the eastern part of the country as these are also hotspots for foreign incursions and encroachment.
May they continue to assert sovereignty as well as protect and defend our national territory. — MARION O. SANTOS, Casiguran, Aurora