July 27, 2024

Bayanihan paves way for crucial road project in Buguias

A group of farmers in Amlimay, Buguias, Benguet, worked together to construct an estimated four kilometers of farm-to-market road (FMR).
Amlimay is one of the farthest barangays in Buguias. The indigenous Kalanguya people, who are distinguished by their distinctive culture and practices, reside in the mountainous valley. They contribute to the growing industry of cacti and succulents and are known for producing highland vegetables.
Sitio Kimpit is a small community that depends on farming as its major source of income. However, farmers continue to face difficulties because of the unpaved FMR.
While there are government projects on FMR, a resident said they cannot rely solely on the government because other roads also need rehabilitation and repair.
As a result, these farmers agreed to donate P5,000 per household for the road’s improvement. A total of P166,250 was received and spent on food and cement. Concerned citizens also donated.
Resident Ellen Waclin expressed her happiness that what they have longed for is finally happening. She said the construction became possible because of the cooperation of the community.
On April 7, construction started. Parents, farmers, and young people volunteered to help. This practice embodies bayanihan.
Being a native of this town, I take pride in the support system that has been established despite the generational gap. With the newly-improved road, farmers are now guaranteed safe and efficient travel when they transport their products to the market.
Bayanihan is not declining but rather sustained among this indigenous community whenever the need arises, both in terms of labor-sharing and financial support.
May this empower our kakailian to uphold the essence of bayanihan, which has an impact on social growth and resilience. May it also serve as a call to action for our local government to provide support and interventions for the expansion of FMR routes in the remote areas. — NOVELYN A. BALANGUI, Buguias, Benguet