July 27, 2024

Pursue Baguio market rehabilitation without privatization

Tongtongan ti Umili-Cordillera Peoples Alliance, a network of progressive people’s organizations in Baguio, vehemently oppose moves to subject the rehabilitation of the Baguio City Public Market to private entities like SM and Robinsons.
The current scheme which entrusts the development of public facilities to a public-private-partnership (PPP) will only do more harm than good.
While poor people will pay the price of privatization, the enormous cost of profit will go straight into the pockets of big businesses that are in joint venture with the national and local governments.
The city government’s drive to privatize its market, roads, even public toilets, underscores the intense mayhem inflicted by favored corporate interests against general welfare.
More than violating the rights of vendors to decent livelihood, consumers will also be burdened through higher prices of basic commodities should this move pushes through. — GERALDINE CACHO, TTU-CPA chairperson