July 27, 2024

Farmer sector supports legislative caretaker of Benguet

At present, the private sector, particularly members of farmers’ groups, are not in favor of the proposed conduct of special election following the death of Rep. Nestor B. Fongwan, Sr.
We believe in giving the Benguet constituents, especially the close to 140,000 voters who voted for the late congressman, more time to reflect and state their sentiments.
Waiting for the 2022 elections means allowing Benguet constituents more time to decide and select a quality candidate who will represent the province at the Lower House.
The farmers’ groups support the newly appointed legislative caretaker of Benguet in the person of Rep. Eric Go Yap of the ACT-CIS party-list.
We appeal to the newly appointed caretaker and to the Lower House through Speaker Allan Cayetano to ensure the efficient delivery of government services and more developments for Benguet. — LORETO B. BUYA-AN, president, Benguet Farmers Federation Inc.