July 27, 2024

Assign areas for seniors, PWDs at the vaccination sites

Foremost, I would like to acknowledge and thank all the healthcare workers and civic volunteers working tirelessly in the various vaccination sites in Baguio City.
Please allow me to voice out some of my observations, which I am sure, can be implemented through a considerable system.
Last May 10, I was among the senior citizens who arrived at the University of Baguio gymnasium few minutes before noon to avail of the Sinovac vaccine.
We first filled out forms before entering the gym at around 1 p.m.
I noticed there was no designated area for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and pregnant individuals. We were seated with the seniors on wheelchairs along with everyone else for half an hour before we were directed to a table to answer a few questions.
From there, we were directed to go up the bleachers to wait for our turn to proceed to the screening area, where we also answered some questions.
We then returned to the bleachers and wait for our turn to be vaccinated.
The actual vaccination was quick and painless in contrast to all the rumors about worrisome side effects.
During the entire process, I empathized with the seniors on wheelchairs who had to be fanned constantly by their companions. I imagined just how terribly uncomfortable it was for them to remain seated for several hours.
There were other wobbling elderly residents who were not on wheelchairs but needed one person on each side to enable them to walk inside the gym.
After being vaccinated, we again sat on the bleachers for 15 minutes then had our blood pressures checked for any concerns.
Since our blood pressures were normal, we were allowed to go home along with the seniors on wheelchairs at around 4 p.m.
I wish to end my letter with an appeal to the City Health Services Office and other concerned offices overseeing the vaccination program to consider assigning designated areas for the seniors, PWDs, and pregnant individuals to minimize the long waiting period.
I will deeply appreciate any measure that the concerned offices are willing to implement for the above-mentioned group.
Again, we are ever grateful to all the indefatigable healthcare and civic frontliners. — NAME WITHHELD