July 27, 2024

Lost in COVID vaccination

This is with regard to the scheduled vaccination we saw online that reads: “To all Camp 7 residents who are 18-59 y/o with comorbidity who wants to avail for the vaccine against COVID-19, please go directly at UB Gym on April 28, 2021 whether for 1st or 2nd dose just bring your I.D. as proof of residence in the brgy, med. Cert. and/or your doctor’s endorsement. Thank you.”
On April 28, we woke up early to queue at the University of Baguio gymnasium along with the throng of residents wanting to be vaccinated.
But to our surprise and disappointment, personnel assigned at the UB gym vaccination site announced that first dose of vaccine is not available for people with commorbities and only the second dose was scheduled that day.
Instead, we were told to wait for future updates from the social media account of the City Hall PIO.
My sister and I approached health personnel to clarify on the notice we saw online, and they informed us that only those who will have their second dose will be administered that day. So, we then went to Camp 7 barangay hall to air our concern and personnel there kept apologizing for what happened.
I air this concern in behalf of the people who fall in line and just being frustrated since nothing happened since most of the people who went to UB were eagerly awaiting the first dose. Was this a sort of miscommunication? I don’t want to assume.
May I appeal to barangay officials concerned to please clarify first with the City Health Services Office, or City Hall PIO / vice versa whatever announcements are disseminated regarding the Covid-19 vaccination so people won’t be confused in the future.
Time is gold. We don’t want our time wasted for nothing. — CRISTOPHER HAMADA, Baguio City