July 27, 2024

BGHMC promptly acts on patient’s concern

It is with deep and sincere gratitude that I write this for the positive and swift response the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center administration had to my open letter over a week ago to have a separate billing station for cancer patients due to our immunosuppressed status.
It is so convenient for us to have our PhilHealth and billing concerns addressed within the same building of the Cancer Center just in front of the chemotherapy section without having to travel all the way to a separate building three floors up.
BGHMC genuinely cares about its patients without settling for anything less, and this is something that I and others will cherish long after we finish our treatments. The administration, doctors, nurses, and personnel are truly patient-centered.
Thank you so much and may God continue to bountifully bless each and every one of you. — GERARD ESPIRITU, Baguio City