July 27, 2024

DOLORES, Abra – This town will soon join the top loom weaving towns of Abra following the completion of 33 Dolorenian women of the basic loomweaving training.

The trainees who are members of the Kalipunan ng Liping Pilipina (Kalipi) received their certificate of completion during a graduation ceremony held at Dolores Civic Center recently.

The loomweaving project with a total budget of P953,974 is a priority project of Rep. Menchie Bernos through the Department of Labor Integrated Livelihood Program (DILP).

Aside from the training, the project fund also covers the procurement of loom machines or tilar, raw materials, trainer’s fund, and the land and housing for the loom weaving center located in Barangay Salucag.

The project is made possible through the collaboration of DOLE-Abra, the Dolores LGU, and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

Mayor Conde Turqueza outlined the importance of learning the skills of loom weaving as it will provide an additional income for the women.

“I congratulate everyone I hope for the sustainability of this project so that Dolores can also become an exporter of woven products soon,” Turqueza said.

 TESDA Provincial Director Jimmicio Daoaten said training programs at the local level are among their priority agenda the under the “Tesda sa Barangay.”

With woven or Abel-made products now in demand in the market, he looks forward to training sessions focused on design to support the Kalipi-Dolores in the livelihood opportunity provided to them.

DOLE-Abra Director Christopher Tugadi said the training program will enable the Kalipi women to create high quality textiles and earn a sustainable income.

 Florina Padagas, one of the graduates, expressed her gratitude to the government for providing them the opportunity to learn new skill towards having a better livelihood.

“Dakkel a yaman mi kadagiti timmulong kadakami ti daytoy a training ti panagabel ket sapay kuma ta addanto manen nayon na tapno ad-adu pay ti ammo mi nga designs,” she said. – Christian Allister Tubadeza