July 27, 2024

As a college student, graduation seems to be the highlight of our early 20s. After all, this was the ultimate goal the moment we entered that tiny classroom as kindergarteners.
A few weeks from now, one of the most anticipated events for us, will unfold – graduation.
Graduation heralds a new adventure and presents a greater challenge in the real battle of life.
This is where our litanies about the hardships we all went through while we were still students come to an end.
We will go from being ordinary students to graduates in two months.
It’s funny how some of us entered college crying because we knew it would be difficult. But we eventually loved it and ended up crying now as we realized that it would soon end.
I know there will be tons of memories from college life that will humdrum while we’re at it then we come to miss it years later. So even though I am a few weeks away from being officially out of college, I’d like to romanticize college life once more.
I will sleep any time of the day or stay up until I can. Take limitless photos. Laugh with my friends endlessly. Participate in the school’s activities. Study with friends at a coffee shop. Hang out with org mates. Glance at my crush, heck, maybe even make a move. Learn enthusiastically from instructors. Teach my siblings the tips I learned while in school. Gossip with my girlfriends. Enjoy the library. Eat at the canteen. Journal about the silliest encounters. And just be in the moment of it all. Because in two months, I will be leaving the university with these memories.
Completing our programs is the beginning of our gradual standing on our own feet. And as our student life ends, a new journey begins. It is where we set in motion the reaching of our dreams and prepare ourselves for the challenging journey to the meaning of life. From being inside the four corners of a room to getting outside – in the real world. Associated with this are the more outstanding obligations and responsibilities placed on our shoulders. As the elders say, it’s here that we will truly understand the true meaning of life.
Adulting does sound complicated. It means we will be responsible for our being. We have to be accountable for our actions. Our family and friends’ comfort and support will transition to us fending for ourselves. The unknown can be terrifying.
As we wander through this maze called life, we should realize that it’s also a chance to understand ourselves more. We will eventually learn that we are more capable in life. We will outgrow our old selves and become a better version of ourselves. As cliche as it sounds, we must trust that things will get better in time.
But for now, let us enjoy the last moments of our student life. So cheers to all the students who finished the race and those still running at their own pace. Cheers to the parents and loved ones for their sacrifices. Cheers to the friends who made things bearable. Cheers to everyone who we shared this journey with.