July 27, 2024

Thirteen local government units in the Cordillera were among the 352 LGUs nationwide that were recognized and conferred with the 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) marker during the SGLG National Awarding Ceremony at the Manila Hotel on Dec. 14.
San Juan, Abra received the award for the sixth consecutive time.
Other awardees from the Cordillera include Bucay, Dolores, La Paz, Peñarrubia, and Tayum in Abra; Conner in Apayao; Asipulo and Lamut in Ifugao; Tabuk City, Pasil, and Rizal in Kalinga; and Bontoc in Mountain Province.
The local chief executives accompanied by other officials received their respective awards.
The 2022 SGLG conferred to the distinguished LGUs symbolizes their journey towards good local governance by upholding the standards of transparency, integrity and service delivery.
“The Seal is not just a mere recognition of the ability to abide by the requirements, criteria and matrix set by the Department but most importantly, it signifies your contribution to nation building,” said Department of the Interior and Local Government Sec. Benhur Abalos, Jr. during the program.
He said the LGUs must be reminded that the development and improvement they are working at is not just for the award but for the constituents whom they have committed to serve.
“We should change the local government’s mindset and SGLG is our way of encouraging the LGUs towards institutionalizing a culture of performance, it is not only because of the incentive to win but it is because of our oath to our constituents,” Abalos said.
In addition to getting this year’s SGLG marker, LGU awardees also received P5 million SGLG Incentive Fund Subsidy to finance their local development initiatives in support of national goals and strategic thrusts.
Evolving from the Seal of Good Housekeeping, the SGLG program is institutionalized under the Seal of Good Local Governance Act of 2019. – Debbie E. Gasingan