July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The Department of Social Welfare and Development continues to implement the Risk Resiliency Program-Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Disaster Risk Reduction (RRP-CCAM DRR) through provision of temporary employment.

The program aims to increase the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities, particularly poor families in disaster-prone communities and to reduce risk of damage brought by weather disturbances and natural calamities due to climate change.

Some 7,693 beneficiaries are targeted to be given temporary employment through the Cash-for-Work scheme for 10 working days with a daily wage of P400.

The target number of beneficiaries is equally divided among all the barangays or 50 individuals per barangay identified based on guidelines.

Gov. James Edduba made sure all the 153 barangays in the province will benefit from the program.

“We have to equally divide it to all barangays to ensure that no one will be left behind. In times of calamities, we are all affected so altogether we also have to work help reduce the risk and mitigate effects of disaster in our lives and to share from the benefits of the program,” he said.

The DSWD provided P30.772 million for labor cost while the provincial government as partner shoulders P7.650M in counterpart for materials.

Each barangay is allocated P200,000 from DSWD and P50,000 from the provincial government for one priority project to implement.– Peter Balocnit