July 27, 2024

The negotiation between the Itogon-Suyoc Resources, Inc. (ISRI)-Sangilo Mines and Barangay Poblacion, Itogon, Benguet intended for the four-meter raise of the dam crest of the existing tailings storage facility from 966 meters above sea level (masl) to 970 masl was concluded with the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the parties on Jan. 24 at the Barangay Hall of Poblacion, Itogon, Benguet.

The agreement was signed by ISRI president, Engr. Luis R. Sarmiento and resident manager Dr. Eric S. Andal and the community led by Poblacion Barangay Captain Albert C. Carantes, Jr. and Poblacion, Itogon Indigenous Peoples’ Organization chair Andres C. Panayo.

The MOA signing was attended and witnessed by Benguet board member for District 1 Alexander Fianza and municipal government officials led by Mayor Bernard S. Waclin and Vice Mayor Dante Alain Xavier D. Godio.

Atty. Desiree Zan L. Lud-ayen and Engrs. Edward Henry, Jr. and Christopher Sibayan represented the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Cordillera.

The parties agreed among others, to endeavor towards continuous cooperation for the implementation of the TSF enhancement plan which shall be beneficial to both parties. – Press release