May 2, 2024

Dear Manang,
How does contract tracing work? My sister was tested positive for Covid-19 after caring for her husband at the hospital. The other watcher was tested positive and they think the infection came from the hospital, but she was immediately transported to Sto. Niño community isolation facility even if she is asymptomatic. My brother-in-law is going to be discharged soon and we are hoping to request for them to be together in a room for the duration of their quarantine. No one is checking on his needs while recovering from an accident. They say the contact tracer can determine this.
Precious of San Luis, Baguio City

Dear Precious,
I do not know the workings of government, particularly, contract tracing. But I am sure if you formally work through the channels, there will be some remedy. Given the limitations of the government accommodations for those who tested positive and have no symptoms, there will be some compromise. Go to the health district that you belong to.
Go through the right office,

Dear Manang,
The Covid-19 has changed a lot of policies, particularly at the hospitals where the mandatory test are required, the amount is expensive. Follow ups are also strict in requiring appointments to be made through text messages. I also noticed the triage is a requirement that needs some improvement because it is difficult when you have an elder who needs assistance. I wonder if some improvements have been made or can be made.
Angela of Mirador Hill, Baguio City

Dear Angela,
We must exercise our patience in these times. Indeed, some policies seem to be obtrusive, but these are for our health safeties. Given all the speculations about the RT-PCR tests, it is a measure of monitoring the spread of the disease. We must abide, if you ask me, this is not for anyone else but for the whole city. I am sure all the protocols will be reviewed according to their usefulness through time. I guess the rule should be, don’t get sick.
Keep healthy,