July 27, 2024

Dear Manang,
I have been promoted in my company and it means a pay raise. My husband does odd jobs and contributes just enough to pay for our utilities in the house. I know that is enough for him to keep his dignity as contributor to the household. However, my job will mean more travel for me and time away from the city almost three weeks a month. Our children are in high school but still need much attention. I wonder how I should ask my husband to mind the house and kids instead of working outside?
Belinda of Loakan, Baguio City

Dear Belinda,
Have you told him about your promotion? You should begin there. At this point I am sure that he is used to your having to go out of town and the promotion just means more time out. What if you suggest that he works at home? Maybe he can accept the work at home so he can be there when the kids arrive. I am sure that he will be gracious about it so long as you haven’t given him reasons to feel insecure.
Say it sweetly,

Dear Manang,
I have worked at home for the last 10 years. I enjoy a tax-less income and a hassle-free no SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG contribution. Suddenly, I got hospitalized and saw much of my saved income go out the window. How do I begin to pay for these insurances?
Maria of Kias, Baguio City

Dear Maria,
We definitely enjoy the freedom when online and home-based work is available. It is true that only when we need health and medical insurance do we realize the need and that we could have paid for the convenience. There are many voluntary programs to pay these contributions. Begin now to secure your future. The SSS is helpful when you need loans too.
Any day is a good day to start,