May 3, 2024

Workplace environment is oftentimes draining, and a good belly laugh could definitely lighten up the mood. Jokes and banters in the workplace also strengthen the relationships between employees and their superiors which bridge possible organizational divides.
In fact, this kind of setting is encouraged to keep employee morale hig,h resulting to more workplace productivity.
However, even sexist and offending jokes in the guise of being lighthearted and harmless teasing are deeply rooted in workplace culture. It has been normalized to the extent that being offended is almost not an option. If one takes offense, they will be called vibe killers, kill joys, or overacting.
While it is understandable that completely eradicating this in the workplace and in our culture does not happen overnight, it helps to make everyone be aware of their actions or they might be susceptible to the wrath of cancel culture. It is a challenge, that’s a fact. But big yikes if we continue to normalize these types of jokes since tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace also increases. Gone are the days where one has to get used to these jokes for the sake of maintaining status quo. The youth of today don’t support these behaviors.
Once upon a time, these jokes were so-so but the time for change has long started. The new norm is to keep up with the changes whether you’re misinformed or just plainly insensitive. No man and woman should feel uncomfortable in a place where they work nine to five for most days of the week. If gender sensitivity is strictly observed in schools, then it is more reason that professionals should practice this at the workplace as they are the role models of the youth.
“Ang-angaw lang met dyay (It was only a joke),” is never a reason to keep the cycle of sexism oiled. Just because it is normal does not mean it is okay.