May 6, 2024

Dear Manang,
My daughter has not enjoyed the last year of high school and the first year of college. I suddenly realized those experiences cannot be made up by virtual education because memories of those growing years teach us to become better persons as professionals. Now that we are changing into more normal times, I want to opt for better exposure for her. Do you think I should suggest a change of schools?
Tina of Tadiangan, Tuba, Benguet

Dear Tina,
With this privilege that the pandemic has allowed all of us, there is nothing to stop you from enrolling your child in the right school for her. I suggest for you do it now before the option is no longer open. The sooner the better for her to see her classmates and teachers in the classroom. Experience is always the best teacher.
Go for it,

Dear Manang,
It is another year for this hybrid program. My child is a tactile and kinesthetic learner and I notice how he suffers from doing online work. The mastery and engagement are poor. I want to enroll him in a private school that has resumed classes but I can’t afford it. How will my child cope with high school? I am conscious of performance because this determines the university that will take him in for college. Help.
Loida of Bayan Park, Baguio City

Dear Loida,
I too worry about the future professionals who were in this hybrid learning. Those with the capacity to cope with self-learning and self-discipline will adjust to all conditions but those who have no fulfillment in the virtual world will catch up. Children are flexible. Be mindful when the regular classes resume. There are other harmful factors that your child might be exposed to. But I am sure they will cope.
Don’t worry,