July 27, 2024

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – The Police Regional Office Cordillera and the Regional Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development (RAGPTD) renewed their partnership on Oct. 17 at Camp Bado Dangwa.
Fourteen members of the PRO-Cor and RAGPTD composed of different stakeholders including representatives from government agencies, local government units, private sector, civil society organizations, and media took their oath formalizing and renewing their partnership with the Cordillera PNP.
“We are indeed very blessed that the group of generous, honorable, and highly respected men and women are here once again to take their oath and express their commitment as the Regional Advisory Group For Police Transformation and Development of Police Regional Office Cordillera,” PRO-Cor Deputy Regional Director for Administrator B/Gen. John Chua said.
Created in 2012, the RAGPTD serves as the primary partner of PRO-Cor in the implementation of the PNP Patrol Plan 2030.
Through the RAGPTD’s initiative, numerous projects were crafted and are now being implemented not only in PRO-Cor as some were also adopted by other regions, Chua said. 
Meanwhile, PRO-Cor Regional Director B/Gen. Mafelino Bazar expressed his gratitude to the RAGPTD members for their continuing support in the realization of the PNP peace and order agenda for transformation and upholding the rule of law or Patrol Plan 2030. 
Bazar underscored the role of stakeholders towards the preservation of peace and order through crime prevention, crime solution, anti-terrorism, anti-illegal drugs, and public safety.
He said the PNP recognizes the role of the stakeholders who serve as the foundation holding together their perspectives of resource management.
“Thank you for giving us not only your time and resources, but most importantly, the gift of your time. This makes us, your police, even more inspired to do our sworn oath knowing that the stakeholders through the advisory group, is just as committed to give the same amount of sacrifice towards a safe and secured community,” he added. – Debbie E. Gasingan