July 27, 2024

Auto shops and car wash establishments are reminded to properly dispose their used engine oil and other substances used in repairing vehicles as these are hazardous wastes that may contaminate waterways.

City Environment and Parks Management Office Assistant Department Head Marivic Empizo reiterated the proper disposal of hazardous wastes from repair shops such as engine oils in compliance to Ordinance 18 s. 2016 requiring auto repair and car wash establishments to adopt measures in preventing oil and discarded substances from draining into the waterways and into the river.

Hazardous wastes are by-products, side-products, process residues, spent reaction media, contaminated plant or equipment or other substances from manufacturing operations and as consumer discards of manufactured products which present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health and safety and to the environment citing Republic Act 6969 or the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990.

Empizo said used or waste oil and sludge are classified as hazardous which include vegetable oil, tallow, oil contaminated materials as well as grease wastes generated from industrial, commercial and institutional establishments.

Section 152 of the City Environment Code states auto repair and car wash shops must not conduct their business anywhere near and at least 10 meters away from roadsides, pavements, drainage lines, creeks, rivers, gulleys, and streams to prevent the discharge of motor oils, petroleum products and untreated wastewater into the waterways.

Owners of repair shops must install appropriate catchment and receptacles for used gas and oils that must be properly placed in sealed containers and disposed through authorized means, the ordinance states.

Carwash shop owners must also construct/install a treatment facility like septic tank with grease separator before water is disposed to the drainage line. Non-compliance to the ordinance shall result in non-issuance of business permit.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong earlier issued a final warning to motor shops and car wash establishments on proper disposal of waste oil. Restaurants and other establishments shall likewise adhere to the proper disposal of grease wastes to avoid clogging sewer lines, canals and manholes. The mayor tasked Cepmo head Rhenan Diwas with the Wastewater and Hazardous Waste Management Division led by Engr. Wilbur Suanding and Pollution Control Officer Joseph Willy together with the Permits and Licensing Division headed by Allan Abayao with other concerned offices to inspect and monitor compliance of establishments to his order. – Jessa Mardy P. Samidan