July 27, 2024

The city council approved the request of the Baguio Flower Festival Foundation Inc. to continue using a portion of the Baguio Convention Center compound for the operation of the Baguio Blooms exposition.
Baguio Blooms is supposed to operate until March 8, but because of less foot traffic this year, tenants were not able to earn enough.
The city council allowed Baguio Blooms to operate until April 5.
BFFFI chief of staff Evangeline Payno said there will be no additional charges for the tenants, and the BFFFI will shoulder the electric consumption of the tenants for the duration of their extended stay.
She said the extension could help familiarize the public about the new venue. The Baguio Blooms (formerly Market Encounter) used to operate at Burnham Park.
Early this month, Mayor Benjamin Magalong announced he is for the extension of operation as assistance to the tenants. However, the city council has to approve the area’s continuing use.
In the Local Government Code, a local government, may, through an ordinance, temporarily close and regulate the use of any local street, road, thoroughfare or any public place where shopping areas may be established. – Rimaliza A. Opiña