July 27, 2024

The city council on Monday approved Ordinance 41, s. 2022 renaming the renovated Baguio Convention Center to Baguio Convention and Cultural Center (BCCC).
The measure boosts the center’s new role as a venue of activities relative to preservation and promotion of culture and arts in view of the city’s designation as a Creative City in the field of Crafts and Folk Arts by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2017.
The ordinance also establishes a new manual for the operations, management and maintenance of the center superseding the old rules provided in Ordinance 95, s. 1995 to enhance the center’s operation that is financially beneficial to the city government.
In the ordinance, the BCCC shall operate as a business establishment under the general supervision of the City Administrator’s Office.
For the first three years, BCCC shall be operated and managed by organic personnel of the City Administrator’s Office until such time a City Economic Enterprise Management Unit/Office has been created.
All monies collected including donations or sponsorships for the improvement of the facility shall accrue to the City Treasury Office in a special account of the city’s general fund. All net income generated by the center, after budget expenditures, shall be reverted to the general fund.
The city council has reminded through Resolution 234 drivers and operators of public utility jeepneys to comply with Department of Transportation Department Order 2014-013, which requires designation of priority seats for senior citizens, pregnant women and persons with disability.
In Resolution 239, s. 2022, the council requested the Baguio City Police Office to strengthen the campaign against all acts of vandalism in the city.
In the “Anti-Graffiti Code of Baguio,” defacement of any city-owned or privately owned property, and possession of graffiti implements like aerosol spray or broad-tipped indelible marker, paint, marker, pen materials or instruments while near or within public or private property are prohibited and punishable.
In Resolution 242, the city council has requested the City Mayor’s Office (CMO) to extend the validity of the agreement entered into by the Permits and Licensing Division (PLD) which is under the CMO and the newspaper stand vendors and watch repair proprietors.
The extension will be from July to December 2022, or until such time that the City Planning and Development Office has come up with concrete plans and arrangements for a relocation for them to be accommodated.
The request was made in reference to the appeals of Peter Puzon of the Baguio Citizens’ Rights’ Advocacy Center/Citizen-Advocate Newsletter and Gloria Antoinette Hamada, publisher and general manager of the Baguio Midland Courier.
In addition, the CPDO and the PLD were requested to present the proposed plan for the newsstands in their next session to fast tract its implementation.