July 27, 2024

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – The 10th Cooperative Convention will highlight the celebration of Cooperative Month in the province.
About 300  members and officers of cooperatives and  concerned agencies will converge Oct. 22 and 23 at the Multi-Purpose Gymnasium in Wangal for a seminar-workshop, sharing of good practices, knowledge sharing and experiences, and awarding of cooperatives that have leveled up.  
The event aims to improve the relationships of coop members and draw understanding on issues and concerns for the effective and efficient delivery of quality services.
On the first day will be a seminar-workshop where series of lectures on project proposal making will be presented by the Department of Labor and Employment, the Land Bank of the Philippines, and the Provincial Cooperative Development Council.
On the second day will be a motorcade followed by a program and the convention proper.
A cooperative from each of the categories are tapped to give insights and share good practices and experiences.
The Cordillera Brotherhood Transport Services Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MPC) will present for the micro level, the Government Employees of Sablan MPC for the small level, Philex Mines MPC for the medium category, and Bokod Sulphur Spring MPC for the large category.
Cooperative Development Authority-Cordillera Director Franco G. Bawang, Jr. will give updates on coops.
Thirty-one cooperatives, which moved to a higher category for the past five years will also be recognized with 16 from micro to small, 10 from small to medium, and five from medium to large.  
This year’s Coop Month theme is “Cooperativism: A vital cornerstone towards climate change resilient and socially-inclusive communities.” – Susan C. Aro