July 27, 2024

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – The Benguet Inter-agency Task Force on the coronavirus diease-2019 (Covid-19) chaired by Gov. Melchor Diclas declared  suspended classes in all levels in public and private schools  in the province  effective 1 p.m. of March 13 until March 22.
Diclas issued Executive Order 2020-13 suspending classes in all levels during the period after the meeting of the Provincial Task on the Covid-19 on March 13.
The order stated that class suspension is subject to guidelines and directives that may be released by the national government, Department of Health, or upon assessment of the task force.
During the suspension, students are expected to do their home-based assignments.
School officials and administrators were instructed to sanitize and disinfect their classrooms and facilities to prevent the transmission of the disease.
The task force decided to synchronize class suspension in the province with Baguio City, which declared a suspension of classes in all levels also March 13 to 22. 
As many students from Benguet are studying in Baguio, the move is seen to minimize exposure. 
Benguet General Hospital Officer-in-Charge Meliarazon Dulay said there are five persons under investigation in the province.
In preparation for any eventuality, Dulay said BeGH has converted one wing of the hospital which could accommodate 17 patients.
Diclas also issued Executive Order 2020-014 suspending all tourism events, crowd-drawing activities, including the operation of restobars and karaoke bars within the province from March 13 to April 10.
Bar owners are also instructed to immediately sanitize and disinfect their facilities at least twice a week. – Susan C. Aro