July 27, 2024

Benguet will map out its population to determine the total number of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the province.
Gov. Melchor Diclas said the planned mapping will be done per barangay with the help of Barangay Health Workers or Barangay Nutrition Scholars.
The Provincial Health Office and the municipal health offices can also provide data to determine areas that still need to be reached for vaccination.
As of Jan. 5, the province has vaccinated 206,929 individuals out of the 338,754 target or 61.09 percent for the first dose and 178,755 for the second dose are 52.77 percent.
Diclas said concerned officials are convinced that some individuals from Benguet were already vaccinated and counted in Baguio City’s vaccinated population, especially those who are working in the city.   
He said the survey would also be used to synchronize vaccination data in the province.
PHO Chief Meliarazon Dulay said the province has the highest number of target vaccinees in the region and is second to Baguio City in terms of the number of individuals vaccinated. 
She said around 10,000 individuals are vaccinated per day during the first day of the three-day Bayanihan vaccination late last year but the number dwindled to 2,000 vacinees a day as the holidays approached.
She said they will also reorganize the vaccination team of PHO to be deployed in the barangays to help increase the number of vaccinees in the province. – Ofelia C. Empian