July 27, 2024

The BLISTT council is continuing to explore the possibility of establishing economic zones within the outlying towns of Benguet as part of its goal of shared development and benefits.
City Mayor Benjamin Magalong, who chairs the Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tublay, and Tuba, or BLISTT council, said the plan will be discussed among the mayors and members during its meeting on March 6 which will be attended by representatives from the Philippine Economic Zone Authority.
The mayor said he is also helping the local government units in attracting investors and potential business ventures in their respective areas as part of his commitment.
“If we are helping them develop and sustain their growth, we are also helping Baguio decongest. We cannot just simply concentrate on Baguio,” he said.
He challenged the concerned mayors to create economic zones where potential businesses could thrive.
The mayor said a private lot owner in Sablan has recently agreed to the idea of putting up a 10-hectare economic zone in the town. Initial talks have been made with the PEZA which, Magalong said, committed to invite information technology companies to invest in the area.
Ways of promoting the entire BLISTT will also be presented during the council’s meeting. – Hanna C. Lacsamana